The California fires have burned down everything in their path, but the one thing that they couldn’t destroy was the bravery of a nurse named Allyn Pierce. As everything was turning to ash around him, Allyn Pierce decided to risk it all and drive back to the hospital where he was working at in order to pick up as many patients as he could because he knew that the firemen had their hands full. The most amazing thing about this is how Toyota who is the manufacturer of his car decided to reward Allyn Pierce for his bravery.

California Fires
The California fires started this month and they burned down everything in their path. Many people have lost their homes in the flames but that's not all.

The flames have also taken the lives of 47 people and left hundreds of injured, some in critical condition.
No Rain
California has always had problems with fire because the temperature is dry and the region doesn't get that much rain.

Due to the lack of rainfall, firefighters have an extremely hard time putting out wildfires.
Tragic Accidents
Unfortunately, many die in the fires and if not, they lose everything they have ever worked for such as their homes.

This is why firemen always advise California residents to evacuate their homes and leave it all behind instead of trying to cling on to their belongings.
Terrific Situation
Allyn Pierce is the protagonist of our story and he found himself in a terrific situation. The man was stuck in the middle of the wildfire and he had nowhere to go.

The car was getting hotter and hotter, but Allyn Pierce was not ready to give up just yet. Can you guess what happened next?
No Way Out
Allyn Pierce realized that there was no way out of the fire. Having given up, he did the following.

The man recorded a "Goodbye" video for his family and friends. Can you believe this? The man was ready to die…
Firefighter Bulldozer
As the man was saying his goodbyes on video, a giant bulldozer from the firefighter department started clearing out the way.

Thanks to the firefighters, Allyn Pierce was able to drive to safety. The man couldn't believe how lucky he was.
Lucky Man
At that moment, Allyn Pierce realized that other people hadn't gotten lucky like him and needed saving.

This is when he decided to risk his life and go to great lengths in order to save as many people as he could.
Drive Back
Even though Allyn Pierce could drive to safety, he put his trusty Toyota car in reverse and made a U-Turn.

Allyn Pierce wanted to drive back to the hospital where he worked in order to pick up the patients who couldn't walk on their own. Can you believe this?
To The Hospital
Allyn Pierce knew that he might be embarking on a suicide mission and on top of that, his car was starting to get super hot.

However, he knew that the hospital patients had no chance of making it on their own. Isn't Allyn Pierce amazing?
Racing Through The Flames
As Allyn Pierce was racing through the flames, he realized that his Toyota Tundra was more reliable than he ever thought it would be.

Nonetheless, check out the next picture to see what Allyn Pierce did when he arrived at the hospital.
The Firemen Are Amazed
The firemen were amazed to see that Allyn Pierce drove back into the heart of the fire instead of going to safety.

However, they were thankful that he came back because they didn't have any way to take the patients out.
Back Into The Fire
The car was getting hotter and hotter, but this didn't stop Allyn Pierce from rushing back into the fire.

The man had a mission and he was ready to risk his life to save the patients. But did he finally achieve his goal?
He Risked His Life!
Having read about his epic story, we think it's safe to say that Allyn Pierce is one of the bravest people out there.

Would you ever risk your life and drive through flames in order to save the lives of strangers?
Hot Wheels
Allyn Pierce says that he could barely hold his hands on the wheel because it was getting hot.

However, he knew that the lives of the hospital patients depended on him and he made sure to drive back to safety.
Back To Safety
It didn't take long for Allyn Pierce to arrive back to safety. Thanks to him, many innocent people heroically cheated death.

Everyone who saw what Allyn Pierce did was shocked by his bravery. Check out the next picture to see how the man's car looked after this incredible adventure.
The Toyota Is Scorched
As you can clearly see in the picture featured above, the reliable Toyota Tundra got scorched in the fire. This picture went viral and the people who work at Toyota saw it.

But the story doesn't end here! You will never believe what Toyota did to repay Allyn Pierce for his brave actions.
Toyota Calls
When Toyota saw the picture of the scorched car, they decided the least they could do was give the man a hand.

They called Allyn Pierce and told him that he shouldn't worry about getting a new car. What do you think this meant?
Brand-New Car
Toyota wanted to repay the man for his brave actions and they gave him a free Toyota Tundra.

It was actually a win-win type of situation. Not only did the man get a new car, but the whole world found out that his Toyota car had survived a terrible fire! That'll definitely boost the company's sales!
The new car is not the only thing that Allyn Pierce got as a reward for his actions. You won't believe what else he earned.

People have started a GoFund Me page for him and they raised 25,000 dollars. We think it's safe to say that Allyn Pierce deserved all that money.
Life Saver
If there's something that we can be sure about, then it has to be the fact that Allyn Pierce is a life saver.

He saw hope amid chaos and tragedy and he went all out to save innocent victims. He's definitely a role model we should look up to, don't you think so?
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